Friday, April 28, 2006

Moving on & the launch

Well it's been 4 months since I even looked at this site let alone posted on it. With Christmas then Easter (in my line of work) it's hard to find "spare time". So now I'm back from holidays after Easter I'm going to blog away, and wouldn't you know it - I'm going to hit yo with some big news.

After 7 great years of ministry with the Knoxfield Church of Christ I will not be renewing my contract with the church at the end of the year. I will see out the rest of my term and officially finish as minister of Knoxfield Church of Christ on December 31st 2006.

More to come of future prospects soon. So big news and already I've been flooded with responses and questions so I thought I'd blog it for those who haven't yet heard or would like to interact with my decision.

I've decided that dicserning vocation and call is a very painfully difficult task and that's exactly what the journey of making this decision has been all about. So happy to chat about it with any blogger out there.

Now watch out for a stack of updates regarding one of our key ministries. I have previously blogged about our church's involvement with housing Congolese asylum seekers (unfortunately I deletedit, will update story soon). Well they're launching a CD. They make up a band called Vox Congo and their CD is called Kinanga.

The launch in

Saturday night
April 29th, 7pm
Preston Town Hall
274 Gower St, Preston, Victoria
Entry $12, Conc $10
CD's $25 each

I'll be the MC for the night and there will be a guest musical artist. Should be a great night.

Check this site for Vox Congo updates and pics from the launch.



The Merry Rose said...

Yo, Mark,
Nice to see you back again!
Heard lots!
The cd is pretty good.

Barro said...

welcome back to the virtual world, great to see you have loads of "spare time", catch up soon mate