Tuesday, July 04, 2006

'Big Brother...we were only joking!'

It's ok everyone don't panic, I stand corrected, it was all just a big misunderstanding and the guys were just playing a practical joke...you little rascals.

So just so everyone knows, apparrently holding a girl down and your mate waving his crutch in her face is now classed as a practical joke, oh and by the way, according to the defense of Big Brother, this is also the way these young men respect women, since of course these to innocent young guys always respect the opposite sex. Thanks Big Brother for educating us and setting a new standard.

Last night while I was gearing up to watch one of my favorite Monday night programs on TV, I was so rudely interupted by Gretel Kileen (again! - she's everywhere!) on channel 10 around 9:40pm. 'Oh I see they're choosing a late night adults only segment to reveal explain themselves.' I begin to think naiively. So they recap all the mysterious stuff I posted last bolg then she interviews John and Ashley. Talk about beating around the bush. Not once did anyone mention what had actually occurred, it was almost like they were trying to lauch it off like it was a joke. They both said it was a practical joke that went wrong.

Well I would say yes, a girl who has to assert her objecion to what was happening, then try and wriggle free is something gone wrong indeed. I see no joke in that. It was obviously serious enough to get them kicked out of the house and for Big Brother to be so careful as to not mentioned what happened or ever show footage of what was recorded of the incident. Camilla was obviously in some sort of fear for herself in in some sort of uncertainty of their intentions, even for a second, to have objected and try to stop what was happening. At some point she must have felt she was not in control\, and that can be a scarey place for anyone to be.

Big Brother if this is a joke we're not laughing, in fact, the joke is on you.

Today Big Brother will find out if they themselves are in breech of breaking rules. Well Big Brother you know how it works when people break rules. I look forward to hearing, "It's time to go...(long pause for anticipation and suspense)...Big Brother.' The sooner the better.



Sae said...

Hey Sparky,

You'll love this. There is an internet survey in process via the MSN Today service asking the question: Do you think the Big Brother incident was sexual harassment? to date, the results are:

36171 - YES
49761 - NO

I'm sorry...NO??? So what does actually constitute sexual harrassment then?

As Culter said this morning, "TAKE IT ALL OFF, BIG BROTHER!!!" or as Charlie Brown so eloquently puts hit "Good Grief [insert sound of hand slapping forehead]"

Anonymous said...

mensuepeqyiunHi Mark,

Regarding the Big Brother conscience.
As I understand the show, the main purpose is to study peoples behaviour over a set period of time in a fish bowl environment.
The participants being given an opportunity for professional recognition and financial gain.
This is suppose to entertain those who choose to watch it and put money into the pockets of its Producers, Sponsors and crews.
The participants would need to know the boundaries in this type of condition with heavy consequences if the boundaries are exceeded, just by the nature of the program and the broard boundaries it seems to have.
I am not an avid watcher of the show but the female of the threesome seemed very surprised that the two playmates were removed which is an indication to me that the boundaries were not exceeded and the show although promiscuous has its knockers who want it removed.
I say to the knocker "well don't watch it".

