Friday, August 04, 2006

"Disowning Conservative Politics, Evangelical Pastor Rattles Flock"

I'm in a blogging frenzy at the moment so this is my last post, then I'm taking a break.

A friend of mine sent me a link to an article in the New York Times. It tells a story which in my view, is a story of a courageous pastor who is not bound by church offerings, job security or public opinion - but speaks the truth of the Gospel according to his own convictions. I admire his guts to pledge allegiance to the Jesus of the Gospels before the America flag.

I hope I can display this kind of guts throughout my ministry vocation.

Check the story here


1 comment:

Ben said...

I really really enjoyed reading that. Finally a sane voice that can be heard coming from the US!

(not that no sane voices exist in the US, etc, etc, it's just that all you hear about are the wack jobs. good to hear a non-wack-job-big-church pastor.)