I was talking with a colleague yesterday and reflecting that I have been sitting on this post for a couple of days now because I wanted to be as diplomatic and concise as possible in responding to some of the actions and
speeches in relation to the
bushfire's in Victoria. I nearly titled my post 'STOP IT!' which about sums up my cry as thoughtless and insensitive people do and say stupid things in the wake of the greatest natural tragedy on Australian soil. So I'll do my best.
Having said that I am so comforted and encouraged by the thousands upon thousands of people making so many sacrifices to help, donate, sit with, talk to, comfort and encourage the victims of the fires. Being a former
CFS member myself I am still astounded at the amount of volunteers who would give up so much of their time day and night, to put their lives on the line in the hope of saving others.
But back to the title of this blog. I was
appalled to come across the article in The Age that reflected on Pastor Danny's words as he presumes to speak on behalf of God, "'My wrath is about to be released upon Australia, in particular Victoria, for approving the slaughter of the innocent children in the womb,now call on My people to repent and pray". Yes thoughtless and insensitive is my thought too. Pastor Danny from Catching the Fire Ministries, probably thinks he's doing a noble thing...I don't know, how do you get into the mind of a heartless comment like that. I went to the
CFM website to see they have the full prophecy and response displayed on their front news page. I can't stomach it enough to actually post the link here. But they actually have the audacity to write in the first couple of paragraphs about the resources they're gathering to
contribute to the relief effort, then they go on to explain that Victorians have brought this tragedy on themselves and that this is God's wrath, then they finish by saying, 'May God bless Australia with His
rains of mercy.' So which is it Danny, is God condemning Australia or blessing Australia? GOD IS NOT ANGRY! I refrained from posting a comment on their site but I felt like saying, 'don't be surprised if the victims of the fires throw your donations back in your face.'
I can't even begin to imagine the damage this does to the great work christian organizations like the Salvation Army are trying to achieve through the grace and love of God. Yes that's the kind of God I know, gracious and loving, any kind of reflection that God is vindictive and vengeful is a very poor theology and insensitive. Stop it!
There are dozens and dozens of churches and
christian denominations that have pulled together for the greater good in order to provide unified support for the tragedy that is still unfolding. This is God's intention and how God's mercy, love and grace is being expressed, through the common unity and love that Christians normally divided by difference of opinion can work together to express the love of the one true God who only wants to love us and be in relationship with us, not vindicate and destroy us. I feel like I need to apologize for those rouge insensitive theologies that do not represent the majority.
(I know I do not speak for everyone, these are my thoughts and opinions because this is my blog and I do not pretend to represent anyone other than myself. I say this because I know friends of mine who I love will take up issue with some of the things I am saying here. Happy to chat if you want).
I understand that some people have more literal views and alternative interpretations of the biblical texts and well, that might be a whole other conversation. I am normally very tolerant of theological
difference and textual interpretation and often sit at tables in
cafes over coffee with various colleagues and friends entering into respectful debate and
dialogue over such issues. But I guess you've realized by now that Danny's comments have disturbed me . They are divisive and hurtful in an already divided and hurting context. This is not God's doing or a result of God's favour being lifted from Australia. this is the result of some twisted human act in using free choice to light a match and watch things burn. It's disgusting and we can't imagine why someone would do such a thing. Any God who would actively or
deliberately allow such a thing, I really want nothing to do with. As my Old testament lecture would say 'God suffers with the suffering people'.
It's time now for the people of God to work together and show the world
what God really looks like in response to a
devastated people. A God who
comforts the afflicted, brings hope to those who mourn, brings release to the oppressed, and proclaims Good News (funny that sounds
a lot like the
Jesus of the Gospels I read about).
As a footnote to all of this I'm still trying to reconcile other
unbelievable news I am hearing in relation to
the fires. I cannot comprehend the thought of looters going into
devastated areas and helping themselves to other peoples' property. It's stealing! STOP IT! Have a heart.
And to some of my friends who have been cynical of
the news coverage and the stories being aired. Stop it! Give it a break guys and let the nation grieve in the best way they know how. Yes you'll miss some of your precious programs on TV while many victims miss their precious loved ones they'll never see again. We all feel the need to identify with those who have lost, and we need the stories of hope. I know what it's like to fight large and
devastating fires and stand helplessly 100 metres away from the 100+ foot flames of an out of control
inferno with your heart in you mouth and your fellow crew members scrambling to do what they can. Holding the fire hose and pointing it in the general direction as it pales to insignificance, the radiant heat burns your face and you realize the limits we have to control such a monster. I know what it's like to be evacuated from a home while flames enter your
property threatening to take everything (my family and I were fortunate).
As a gathered nation we mourn the
tragic loss of life and the
devastation of communities and we look to a God of comfort and hope as we imagine what kind of future could possibly lie ahead as come consider the possibility of rebuilding their lives.
Our gathering of churches here in the Adelaide hills where i am in ministry remember all too well what Ash Wednesday was like 26 years ago. Each church here (including the one with which I am in ministry) is responding in various ways. find out how at
www.mhicc.wordpress.comGive blood
www.donateblood.com.auThink about volunteering with a work party
www.govolunteer.org.au They'll need help with the clean up in the second half of the year
We'll be posting updates on our site as to how we are responding at
www.blackwoodcc.org.auAnd of course give money