Friday, December 22, 2006

Love makes the world go ‘round

Not long ago a popular band ‘Black eyed peas’ released a song titled ‘Where is the love?’ The song reflects upon a very loveless world. While it’s a catchy tune and I like it, the words of the song can be quite depressing as they reflect upon the general reality of the state our world is in.

There is a large majority who tend to operate out of self serving motives. ‘If it makes you feel good, do it’. This generally seems to be perpetuated around Christmas time when the item at the top of the agenda for many is, ‘what can I get for Christmas?’ Then, ‘what can I give?’ may come in second. I do struggle with the consumeristic culture encouraged by our media, particularly when you hear the predictions of the billions of dollars that will be spent on ‘stuff’ for Christmas presents.

So where is the love in amongst all of this? Is it expressed through how much ‘stuff’ we can get and give? That all depends on your wealth I guess. Or does it?

Love like Peace, is a word that when translated from the Ancient Greek often doesn’t carry it’s intended meaning with the translation. There are 4 words commonly used to describe love in the New Testament. We only have one word – love – to describe them all. Yet the love used most commonly to describe the love of God is agape (αγάπη). This love is a love that transcends all others. It is greater than a romantic love or a love you might have for your family. It is a love that God chooses to express toward us, to draw us into his presence. It is a love the New Testament writers describe as the greatest attribute even above faith and hope. It is greater than an emotion, it is a state of being in relationship with God. Ultimately it is the same love we strive to express among one another. Agape is the greatest gift at Christmas

The apostle Paul writes to the Roman church saying, that even when we were lost and undeserving, God chose to express this love anyway. The Gospel writer express the Christmas story in such a way as to tell the reader that God has such a deep love for the world that he chose to express in the most profound way possible, the only way that would truly touch and transform people. Godself, expressed in human form, born to a humble couple in a humble town in desperate times.

God’s love is actualized in all it’s fullness through the life of Jesus. God entered this world so we may truly experience God’s love and learn how to express it toward one another. Imagine if this really was the primary way the world operates. It starts with you.

May you experience and express God’s love this Christmas.



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