Sunday, February 25, 2007


I set out along the same path for my morning ride on day 3 of lent. This time it was a much warmer, clearer morning and the sun was breaking through the tree tops with bright beams of light. The once fire devastated scrub was lit up much clearer than the last time and I could see just how much was really missing from the density of the scrub from what I remember when I was younger.
I eventually came to the same crossroad again on the fire track. This time I decided to go right, I knew the track was not as steep and there was a great view over green fields through a clearing at the end of the track. As I approached the fence that marked the boundary and the end of the track the view that awaited was not what I expected.
I cast my eyes over rows and rows of grapevines as far as I could see. They ran parallel to the fence line, down the hill into a valley then back up a bigger hill to a house which sat at the top. Half way up that hill, right smack bang in the middle was a huge gum tree. I remember that house and I remember that tree. Actually last time I gazed upon that tree was from the back of a CFS truck on that day the bushfire came through the area. I remember the tree was surrounded by spot fires and the land where the vines now grow was a black desert.
These vines were young, they couldn't be much older than 10 years. I crept through the fence to the other side, I just had to see if they were bearing fruit. I got close enough to see that there were tiny grapes growing. Wow, what a sight to see these grapevines growing on once barren and devistated land. It has now become quite fertile.
Hence my reflection for lent today. Isn't it amazing that even out of the darkest, most hopeless moments, unexpected new life can surprise you in amazing ways.


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