Thursday, March 13, 2008

Deadly sins

I thought I'd move on a little from my previous couple of posts and expand the conversation. I have responded to the previous posts comments if you're interested in my extended thoughts on the issue of what has been largely determined by the church as 'sexual sin'. I'm still fascinated however about the general Christian obsession with sexual sin over many other 'sins'. In my experience it seems to be the evangelical trend to focus on the personal moral 'don'ts' over anything else.
However, the Catholic Church centuries ago had determined what the 7 deadly sins are and even had punishments for them. As a 21st century protestant theologian I find the whole process scandalous. As I understand it, the seven sins were named the sixth century by Pope Gregory the Great. The sins have remained unchanged since. They are: Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed & Spiritual apathy (Acedia). There were creative and painful punishments in store for you if you were found guilty for such a sin (so much for Good News and grace). Your punishment was your penance and pathway to forgiveness and reconciliation with God. The more corrupt end of the Catholic system allowed people to pay their penance with financial wealth to the church. You could buy your forgiveness while making the church rich. While my summary may be lacking in political correctness and may upset some, these kinds of actions and controls were enough to upset reformers such as Martian Luther, hence the reform of a different way of being the Church reinstating the meaning of grace among other things.
I'm not dismissing the sins by the way, I'm just criticizing the way in which they used to be responded to. There are sins listed here which have personal and communal consequences, yet we tend to ignore them to a large extent in our middle class, western churches. In fact you could say that in many Christian circles some of these sins are dressed up, disguised and passed off as virtues. Take the ever popular prosperity theology for instance. I have visited churches where such theology is encouraged and have heard things that have horrified me. Apparently when God blesses you, you become filthy rich. I can see 5 of the 7 sins dressed up in that one right there.
Allow me room to may gross generalizations here. Western (Christians) are guilty without repentance, of Gluttony; consuming the majority of the worlds resources, and eating so much that obesity is an epidemic. Am I sorry that I scrape my leftovers into the bin after a meal because I'm so full? Not really, it's generally acceptable behaviour where I come from.
Pride; we have become far too proud of our achievements, particularly of our large buildings and extensive programs. Very rarely do I hear of a church getting rid of their building(s) to pursue the mission of Christ. Our pride has led to idolatry. We're not sorry for that either.
Envy; we constantly envy one anothers achievements. If you've ever been to a gathering of ministers, far too often has it been about comparing numbers of attendees in churches and the next big amazing thing they've got going. There is always someone who walks away from the conversation wishing with desire in their hearts, 'if only I could have that...' Not only do we become envious but we have no problem making others envious of us.
Anger; It's our God given right to retaliate, why else would we have so many troops in Iraq and Afghanistan? I would love to see more of the practice of the virtue of kindness (mercy)
Acedia; this can be described as a failure to love God with all your mind, soul and strength and loving neighbour as self. I think I've blogged on this before. As Western Christianity has become more and more narcassistic we have failed to repent, even acknowledge our apathy towards God and concern for our neighbour.
Lust & Greed; more, more, more and it comes at us in the sexiest and most subtle of ways. We make excuses because we can. Take this clip for instance. I love Weird Al Yankovic, he just has a way of stating the obvious in such a colourful and entertaining way. Go Weird Al...

Darn it, now I really want that alf alarm clock and the smurf TV tray. Have you ever bought something on Ebay? I have so I get the references and jokes. However, this is a classic example of the lust, gluttony, greed, envy and pride I have been talking about. We buy stuff because we can. Out of the 6 things I have ever bought on Ebay, I still use them today, but I have friends who are Ebay junkies, buying stuff just because they can.
Friends, give the gay community a break, and while you're there let off on the defacto couple in your community who have had kids but aren't yet married. Millions of members of Christians in churches have sinful acts in their lives they have not yet addressed. In fact they are completely aware of it in many instances, because it's ok to want to desire a life of comfort with a half million dollar house, 2 cars and a 6 figure income. Beware of the subtle lure into a promoted way of being which is not complimentary of the call of the Gospel. Maybe our greatest sin (and I do include myself by the way) is our constant resistance to follow the call of Jesus truly and honestly. Often that means embracing virtues such as justice, mercy, humility, temperament, patience, abstinence and the like. Virtues which are not popular in today's western culture. They are the virtues of absolute foolishness.


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