Wednesday, June 06, 2007

What is yet to come

I pondered on a passage of scripture today from John 16 where Jesus is having a conversation with his disciples of what is yet to come. My mind is captured by two things that Jesus is recorded to have said; first of all that there is so much more to talk about and discover together, ‘more than they can bear for the moment’; secondly the Holy Spirit will settle in among them to be an advocating voice and presence on behalf of God and will tell them of ‘what is yet to come’.

I find this to be an exciting, empowering and affirming concept. It also helps alleviate the anxiety of someone like me who may have vision of unwarranted optimism and worried about what to do with it. So the comfort I draw from Jesus’ conversation with his disciples is that we will not be given anymore than we can handle and the Spirit will be with us.

However my mind runs wild with ‘what is yet to come’. Will we be open to the possibilities of what is yet to come through the body of the gathered community of Christ? Or will we dismiss dreams and visions of future possibilities either out of fear of the unknown or fear of leaving the familiar behind? Do we believe the Holy Spirit is among us advocating on behalf of God through our thoughts and imagination? Do we believe that God still expects to see amazing things unfold through the imagination and hearts of the people of God?

Last week I began to release a vision I have for the Blackwood Church of Christ. For the days to follow there was a stirring of imagination and dreaming being fed back to me from various members of our church. The vision continues to grow because I believe we are giving permission for the Spirit to show us what is yet to come. I continue to look forward to the conversations we are yet to have and I encourage you to share not only with me but with others in our church so that we may build on what the Spirit of God is stirring among us and expect that the best of God’s work with and through this church is yet to come.


1 comment:

Wondering Pilgrim said...

Looks like we are being prodded by the same scriptures, nef! The sheer palpability of the presence of the crucified and risen One through the dynamic of the Spirit within and amongst his people leaves invitation ever before us, moment by moment. How can we not respond?