Thursday, February 14, 2008

Spielberg plays the fool

Well done Steven Spielberg for wearing your integrity on your sleeve.

Many will disagree and think that what he has done in pulling out of the Beijing Olympics as artistic advisor for the opening and closing ceremonies is a foolish thing. Well maybe so but for him it's the right thing.

While China continue to exchange weapons for oil with Sudan, Darfur continue to suffer. It has been acknowledged by Steven Speilberg and other human rights activists that China can do so much to ease the conflict and help bring about peace in Darfur. Sadly, the consensus says, China isn't doing enough yet.

Speilberg has petitioned the President of China, Hu Jintao, in a letter prior to his pulling out from the role. Speilberg has said in a statement, "Sudan's government bears the bulk of the responsibility for these ongoing crimes but the international community, and particularly China, should be doing more."

A number of high profile celebrities including current and former Olympic athletes have also written to the President saying "We are all aware of the tremendous potential for China to help bring an end to the conflict in Darfur." Actress Mia Farrow, goodwill ambassador for the UN says "We are all aware of the tremendous potential for China to help bring an end to the conflict in Darfur", "Time is running out for the people of Darfur."

I continue to find it amusing that celebrities such as actors, singers and athletes are the leading and most prominent voices on human rights issues but they raise great points and a pertinent challenge to those of us who profess to follow Jesus.

So what would it take for you to make a stand and say 'no, I will not participate in this activity'. Afraid that you'll stand out in a crowd? If you do stand out are you afraid you make not be able to give adequate or convincing testimony for why you're making a stand? Don't want to stir the pot or make a fuss? Come on people I've heard these excuses before and they are not excuses that should come from the months of Jesus followers.

Yes the Jesus way is a foolish way, you may look like a fool standing out in the crowd because you've turned down that job for ethical reasons, you refuse to buy certain brands for the sake of fair trade or you choose to sell all your possessions and go and live with the poor because you want to be in solidarity with how 70% of the worlds population live. Don't just be a fool be an educated fool. It is our responsibility as Jesus followers participating in the Kingdom of God here on earth, to be educated on current affairs and the plight of our brothers and sisters who are suffering.

As my wife would say in one of her latest songs, 'stand and be counted'. So stand and be counted as a fool for Jesus, even if everyone else around you is sitting on their hands and criticizing you. Stand and be counted and know why. Play the fool so that those who need a voice may be heard.



Mark Stevens said...

So when is he going to pull out of working in the US? When we he stop making movies that glorify the use of violence (even if it is for artistic purposes) and making a squid load of money in the process? I agree with his reasons for pulling out however, I think it is pretty hypocritical to only expect such standards from China!!!

Mark Riessen said...

I agree my emergent friend always bringing the challenge to my attention :) However, we all draw the line somewhere don't we...? The question is, where is that line?